Search results for "Internal Medicine 2011"

Results 1 - 10 of about 20 for "Internal Medicine 2011".
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ACP Job Placement Center calls for job seekers' profiles

Physicians looking for a new job may submit a profile to the ACP Job Placement Center, a service available at Internal Medicine 2011, to be held April 7-9 in San Diego.
30 Mar 2011

ACP Job Placement Center calls for job seekers' profiles

Physicians looking for a new job may submit a profile to the ACP Job Placement Center, a service available at Internal Medicine 2011, to be held April 7-9 in San Diego.
9 Mar 2011

Letter from the Editor

This issue contains articles on optimizing geriatric care, publishing a quality improvement project and preventing catheter-associated infections, among others.
15 Feb 2011

Ethics committee brings medical dilemmas to life

A passerby wandering into the room might have been shocked by the ethics being displayed by physicians on stage during a session on ethical challenges. For example, Kathy Faber-Langendoen, FACP, described how she prescribed opiates for her own mother, and accused physicians of having left her grandmother to die.
13 Apr 2011

Multi-drug diabetes regimens need not be complex

Diabetic progression is almost inevitable, so to help internists sort out which drug to use and when, Anne Peters, FACP, CDE, director of the clinical diabetes programs at the University of Southern California, spoke on “Pharmacotherapy Practices in Type 2 Diabetes.”
13 Apr 2011

Pocket-sized procedures

Ultrasound images, formerly only available from machines weighing hundreds of pounds and costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, can now be viewed on devices significantly smaller in both size and price.
15 May 2011

ACP Job Placement Center calls for job seekers' profiles

Physicians looking for a new job may submit a profile to the ACP Job Placement Center, a service available at Internal Medicine 2011, to be held April 7-9 in San Diego.
16 Feb 2011

Propose workshops for future meetings of Internal Medicine

The Clinical Skills Subcommittee (CSSC) is now accepting proposals for Internal Medicine 2011, April 7-9, 2011.
3 Feb 2010

Hands-on workshops abound at Waxman Clinical Skills Center

Internal Medicine 2011 attendees can practice intubation and central line placement, among other procedures.
15 Feb 2011

Recognizing, preventing and treating delirium

If you remember only one thing about treating agitation and delirium in the hospital, it should be to avoid benzodiazepines, said Brian Huang, ACP Member, assistant professor of medicine in the division of hospital medicine at the University of California San Diego, during the hospital medicine precourse at Internal Medicine 2011.
13 Apr 2011

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